Non-Leafy Vegetables
White corn is a versatile and nutritious veggie that can be enjoyed right off the cob, cooked on a barbecue, or as...
Orange sweet potato has a soft and smooth texture and a sweetness that is delightful. You can enjoy it grilled, deep fried,...
Purple sweet potato has a soft and smooth texture and a sweetness that is delightful. You can enjoy it grilled, steam, deep...
Small bitter gourd is well known for its bitter flavour and due to that it has been used to accompany many kinds...
Green chili is well-known in Malaysian cuisine. It can be eaten raw, or cooked with other dishes to spice up the dishes...
Red chili padi is extremely hot and spicy. Mostly used into a paste or sambal or even to add spiciness to your...
Young ginger is juicier, fleshier with a very mild taste. It is often pickled in vinegar as a snack or cooked as...
Turmeric offers a sweet and spicy zing to dishes. Turmeric provides a golden yellow colour and a warm and bitter taste with a peppery aroma.
Lengkuas is a rhizome and one of the versatile ingredients used in Southeast Asian cuisine such as in lontong, rendang and spice...
Limau Nipis have a citrusy smell that's wonderfully pleasant. Use the juice for daily coking needs!
Calamansi is known by its fragrant aroma and sourness. They are commonly used to marinate and to add zing to cooking.